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Farm Auction

10:00 A.M. Thursday, August 5, 2021 (on location)

SW/4, S5, T26N, R2W, Kay Co., OK


From Tonkawa 5.5 miles West of I-35 on Hwy 60, 4 miles north on 140th St.

From Nardin, 3.5 miles south on 140th St.

160 Acres mol Kay County land with 135.8 acres in cultivation with balance in grass and timber.  Wheat base 50.23A & 37 bu/A yield, Sorghum base 21.22 A & 51 bu/A yield, Soybean base 34.97 A & 23 bu/A yield.  Minerals are intact and sell with land.  Rural electric on south side.  Good hunting.  All weather roads on both sides.  Possession when bean crop is harvested and closing.


LEGAL:    SW/4, S5, T26N, R2W, Kay Co., OK.


TAXES 2020:  $553.00.

TERMS:  $2,000 down with balance at closing.


TERMS:  Property sells as is with no guarantee or warranty.  Descriptions are accurate to best of knowledge.  Announcements made day of sale will supersede all other advertising.  Seller or Auction Co. not responsible for accidents.

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Proud memeber of the Ponca City Chamber of Commerce

511 South 1st Street, Ponca City, OK 74601 -  580-767-9096

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