10:00 A.M. Saturday, December 14, 2024
102 E. 32d Ave, Suite B, Stillwater, OK
MISC.: 2003 Honda VTX 1300 motor cycle; Ridgeline gun safe; True commercial freezer; commercial glass double door fridge; 3 residential fridges; gas range; candy/breath mint maker; dozens of flavored syrups; bag sealer machine; microwave; several 8’ display cases; stainless steel SS triple bay sink; SS wash sink; SS prep tables; SS rolling carts; SS ware; point of sale counter; 6 round tables; 22 chairs; file cabinets; storage tubs; storage units; adjustable shelving; wing back chairs; office desk; office eq; office supplies; doors; mop sink; lavatory sink & cabinet; elec water heater; commercial paper/plastic goods; translucent cups; plastic bags; linens; humidifier; soft paper goods; cup carriers; shop vac; clothing rack; concrete mixer; misc.

TERMS: Cash, check, credit/debit cards on day of sale with a 3% convenience fee. Driver’s license required to register. Oklahoma Tax Comm. requires a copy of tax exempt certificate for exempt purchases. Items sell as is with no warranty. Descriptions are accurate to best of knowledge. Announcements made day of sale will supersede all other advertising. Seller or Auction Co. not responsible for accidents.