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10:00 A.M. Saturday, November 18, 2023

8850 East Tower Road, Ponca City, OK 74604


GUNS:  Glock GBY019 9 mm; Dan Wesson 357 magnum 6 shot revolver; S&W 12 ga. pump; Remington 22; Springfield model 87A 22 cal; Ponca City by Birth Patriots by Choice Ruger mini-14; Hi Point 40cal S&W; gun safe; ammunition.


TOOLS:  Plasma cutter & table; Lincoln Pro Mig 140 welder; Massimo 550 4-wheeler 20 hrs; Curtis 7-1/2 HP air compressor; Turf Tiger ZTR
mower; Tandem axle trailer w/steel floor; stock panels; cement mixers; weed trimmer; mini lathe; large shop fan; Craftsman air compressor; DeWalt metal saw; Yamaha 1200 CC engine; power tools; hand tools; hand wrenches; floor jack; ¾ HP bench grinder; bullet heater; ferrous metal stock; new hardware nuts bolts etc.; cut off saws; Kennedy tool box; micrometers; step ladder; ext ladder; grinders; drills; chain saw; angle head grinders; bench grinders; sanders; nail gun; belt sander; router; shop vac; misc plumbing; wire; hand trucks; tool chests.


HOUSEHOLD-MISC.:  NEW Brother embroidery machine Entrepreneur Pro X PR 1055x; embroidery cabinet; OSU & OU lamp shades; metal art; metal art mirrors; pool table; juke box, inop; counter top dish washer; Grandfather clocks; Singer treadle sew machine; 3 bakers racks; 2 cast iron wood burning stoves; Elvis collectibles; queen bed suite 2 night stands 2 dressers; curio cabinet; hurricane lamps; wash stand; water pitcher; trunks; book shelfs; pictures; needle point pix; German clock; primitive wood table 4 chairs bench dinette; couch w/recliners; wagon wheel table; milk can seats; bed suite dresser head board; hurricane lamp; cabinets; air fryer; TV stand; window A/C; George Foreman grill; swag lamp; painted saw blades-skillets; pine trees; miniature Wells Fargo stage coach; wash tub planter; desk; sofa; bunk beds; TV cabinet; queen bed suite; book shelves; wood high chair; Elliptical; Bo Flex walker; Aero ski; cast chair; rugs; yard nativity set; seasonal deco; hammock swing; child’s bicycle trailer.


MISC.:  1955 Chevy front seat; 1955 Chevy hood; two wheel trailers; gas weed trimmer; drill press inop; scaffolding; orchard sprayer; concrete mixer; 5 wagon wheels; egg incubator; pet carrier; rabbit hutch; lawn sweeper; wheel barrow; kerosene heaters; 50 gal fish tank; planter pots; fertilizer spreader; leaf blower; deer mount; sisters sign; horse drawn plow; push plow; step ladder; large saw blades; yard deco.  

TERMS:  Cash, check, credit/debit cards on day of sale with a 3% convenience fee.   Driver’s license required to register.   Oklahoma Tax Comm. requires a copy of tax exempt certificate for exempt purchases.  Items sell as is with no warranty.  Descriptions are accurate to best of knowledge.  Announcements made day of sale will supersede all other advertising.  Seller or Auction Co. not responsible for accidents.

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Proud memeber of the Ponca City Chamber of Commerce

511 South 1st Street, Ponca City, OK 74601 -  580-767-9096

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